Saturday 9 February 2013



Our fist location will be set in a psychiatrists office, this will be for the first scene of our film. Our aim for this room is to have it looking very clinical and minimalistic in order to achieve a dream like sense to the location. This will reflect the state of mind of the character as this scene is possibly his subconscious.

We aim to have only the basics in the room, there will be a coffee table, one sofa, a chair and a clock, this will draw more emphasis to the characters themselves especially Johnny's manic state of mind. This scene will be the basis for most of the film as the whole film will occur in this room however, there will be flashbacks which will not occur in this office. This picture reflects the type of atmosphere we aim to create. We will shoot this in the studio as it has white walls and is virtually empty, filming in the studio will also allow us to create the lighting that we need which will be extremely light to add to the sense that this is an illusion or a dream.

The second location is in an office where the lead character will be rifling through draws trying to find paper, this will be a typical office location, it will have the usual conventions of an office; desk, chair, computer etc. We are using a Solicitors office to shoot this in, the reason we chose this location rather than re-creating an office in a studio is due to the fact that we wanted it to be realistic as possible. The fact that Johnny is going through draws in someoneelse's office emphasises his decline into insanity.

While Johnny is in the asylum he is in solitary confinement, we will shoot these scenes in a barn which we believe will resemble this solitary confinement. The barn lets through shards of light, we think this will be ideal as the scene has to be very dark only slightly lit. Also, think that this location has an eerie sense to it so this will help us re-create tension.

Finally, there will be one more location which will be Johnny's house, this is where the murder takes place and also where he awakens from his "dream", these scenes in one of our own houses so it can be more realistic. There will be a scene in the a living room where Johnny kills his girlfriend and another where Johnny wakes up so he is in his bedroom. The lighting will be dimly lit to give the sense of  a flashback of a dream it will also have a slight blue tint when we plan to edit it on premier pro.

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