Friday 24 May 2013

Evaluation Question Three

3. What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

Audience feedback has been a great tool in helping develop and shape our film into a better product. Asking for feedback has allowed us to take a step back from the project and get various opinions and views about what needs changing and the audiences views on what they liked and disliked in order to make the film a more entertaining experience.

Below are some videos of audience feedback:

Reaction video
This video allowed us to recognise where the audience was most involved in the film and the parts in which they may have lost interest. It also allowed us to see how they reacted to the dramatic parts of the film to see if their reactions matched what we were trying to achieve. 

This video was extremely useful as it allowed us to gain a first hand account of what our target audience thought of the film and the changes a they would make and what they liked about the film. 

Feedback Video:

Feedback Video. 
This video allowed us to gain an insight into the opinions of a person who would not be in our target audience. This showed that our film had a wide appeal. 

Our analysis of the feed back:

Our target audience for this film would be young males from 15-25, therefore we asked three young males in this age bracket for audience feedback in order to discover if we had been successful in making a film which would attract this audience. From the feedback we have discovered that we have achieved our goal. Due to the fact that we wanted to challenge some of the thriller conventions we also asked one young female for her opinion of our film. This was successful in uncovering the fact that our audience is not just narrowed to males as females also enjoy this type of thriller like film. 
The audience feedback has been positive in allowing our target audience to tell us what they would change about the film, allowing the film making process to become more interactive.

What we have learned from our feedback:

  • From our feedback we have gained more of an insight into what audiences want to see, for example, everyone was positive on the storyline with a twist at the end showing audiences like to be challenged as well as entertained when watching a film 
  • Our soundtrack was too dramatic for the scene next time we would spend more time trying to find the right soundtrack to match the mood of the scene
  • Some of our shots were too static if done again we could possibly incorporate more handheld shots. 
  • The effects worked well with the film however if done again we would out more explanation as to why the main character was seeing these numbers. 
  • Using different types of shots really worked as the feedback we have had has been very positive about the contra-zoom and the french tilt. 

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