Saturday 25 May 2013

Evaluation Question Two

2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Right from the planning stages of our coursework, we wanted a continual theme to be displayed across all of our products to create a clear brand identity. We therefore ensured that the two advertising products linked both to the film and to each other.

We decided to have one central character as it is typical for films to have one character that the audience most identifies with. It is obvious that he is the dominant character of the film and that the story very much focuses on him. Our poster displays a close up of him looking directly into the camera, establishing a relationship with the audience from the moment they look at the image. Our radio ad also features dialogue from our main character suggesting to the audience that this is who the story is about and this is the person to focus on.


Another feature that we decided to use across our products was the use of symbols. We used the symbols to represent what was going on inside Johnny’s head. In the film, we used After Effects to overlay the video over the matrix effect. We also carried the theme of time across our products. The time 4:06  frequently appears in all of our products as it is a significant theme in the film. The sound of a ticking clock can also be heard in both our radio advert and the actual film.

We linked our products together by sustaining the stylized fonts: Minion Pro, Courier New and Candara. We chose them because these fonts are typically associated with existing posters of this genre which we had previously researched. We used some sound clips from the film, such as character dialogue, in appropriate places in the radio advert which inter-linked the products together. The tag-line “What is it to be? Heaven or hell?” is used across all three of our products. It is spoken as a line of dialogue in the film; it appears on the poster and it is also spoken by the narrator of the radio advert.

(tagline spoken at 0.21)

Overall, we believe that all three of our products have combined well together. The complete look of the products is professional and there is a clear consistency between the three. We feel that we have achieved our desired vision.

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