Tuesday 9 October 2012

Importance of Scripting


The importance of scripting explained on the slideshare powerpoint below: 

Rough Script

The images on the left and below show the rough draft of the short film script. It provided the basic premise for the film and storyboard structure, even if it wasn't completely right. For example, even though we removed the tumour lines from the script, there were no huge alterations which affected the storyboard or storyline. Therefore, this first draft only aided us to tighten plot points into a clear objective of the film. 

Completing this first draft it became apparent that it was not so much the decline into insanity we wanted the viewers to get out of watching this short, but Johnny's/ human potential to reach insanity as a consequence of obsession. Therefore constructing the first draft of the script opened us up to making a much more profound statement about life in general.  

Final Script

Below is the first draft of our script:

[Psychiatrist sitting on chair - a look of concern whilst rhythmically tapping his pencil on his lap. Johnny sitting on sofa with a look of distress and unfocus]

Psychiatrist: “Now Johnny, focus now please and listen to me…we’ve been having these meetings for just under a year now and it’s important that we locate some sort of key that will begin your rehabilitation”
 [Psychiatrist leans forward towards Johnny – hands clenched together on knee]
[Johnny looks around the room randomly focusing with full attention on an object before rapidly switching to another – look of fear and without concentration]

Psychiatrist: “Declining so rapidly from a brain tumour is an odd case, so it’s really important that we work together…to help you” [Pause while he waits]
[Psychiatrist begins to looks and sound more impatient as it is evident Johnny isn’t listening]

Psychiatrist: “Looks at me” [Pauses and waits for reaction. Johnny continues to rapidly switch his attention to random objects] 

Psychiatrist: “Look at me”
[Spoken slightly more exasperated]

Psychiatrist: “Now focus!”
 [Spoken firmly and delivered with control – Johnny’s scrutinises the Psychiatrists pen as it hits his lap before whipping his head to focus his attention as the Psychiatrist delivers the line]
[Psychiatrist smile slightly at Johnny focusing on him]

“Ah, good Johnny; we’re making progress” [Pause] “Why don’t you tell me again how all this started? From when you first started to feel the tumour coming on…maybe we can find the key”
[Long pause as Johnny stares unblinkingly at the psychiatrist – giving off an almost manic impression]

Psychiatrist: “You where in London…” [Calmly prompts]
[Johnny spasms forward on the sofa and speaks manically which fast enthusiasm]

Johnny: “London London, yes! Big business trip you know? Chance to make it big time! [Nodding with excitement] I was waiting in this man’s office for AGES! And suddenly I get this pain in my head you see – an odd pain right here [presses into side of head with finger – flashback begins]. The suddenly there was this BURST [hand actions replicate an explosion] you see! There were numbers! Oh goddammit there were so many numbers! Symbols too. Before I knew it I had the man’s desk drawer open. I had to find something, ANYTHING to write with! I don’t know why it took so long!? I mean what big shot doesn’t have an excess of paper to write on!? [Johnny’s eye’s flicking manically around the room while speaking] But eventually I found this little pad of paper! Writing stuff down that I didn’t think was possible!! It just made! [stares off absently]... sense” [Johnny cuts himself off speaking the word ‘sense’ as more of an absent whisper] [Pause]

Psychiatrist: “But that’s not just it…is it?”
 [Leans forward as Johnny’s eye’s flash up with a look of panic – eyes begin flicking around the room again]

Psychiatrist: “What happened that night when you had your first break down? I know you remember…what did you do?”
[Pause as Johnny stares at the psychiatrist in pain]

Johnny: “Claire” [Spoken in a broken whisper as he looks down at his hands]
[Flash back begins] “She didn’t have to come that night…why did she come?”

Psychiatrist: “You killed her…didn’t you Johnny?” [spoken lightly]
[Pause – Johnny is almost crying in anguish with his face in his hands]

Psychiatrist: “Why did you kill her?”
[Spoken very lightly, almost as a thought to himself]
[Pause – Johnny just retains his face in hands position and seems to be almost sobbing]

Johnny: [Without looking up] “I don’t know” [Brokenly spoken into his hands]

Psychiatrist: “Okay, then what happened?” 

Johnny: “I don’t know” [begins rocking slowly back and forth with his head still covered by hands] 

Psychiatrist: “Come on, you can work this out! Just think”

Johnny: “I don’t know!” [Johnny looks up manically, and stares at the psychiatrist with hatred]

Psychiatrist: “Well if you won’t co-operate I’ll just tell you then. [pause] You were committed to St Richards’s institution for the mentally unwell, and that’s where you lived [Johnny starts looking round the room manically again]
[Flashback to Johnny’s cell begins]

Psychiatrist: “You had been committed there for just under three months before the guilt became too much, and at exactly 4:06 this morning you took your own life”
[Flashback ends] [Johnny’s eyes flash to the psychiatrist in anguish as the psychiatrist lifts up his glass of water to his lips with a smile - takes an exaggerated sigh before setting his glass down and leaning forward towards Johnny]

Psychiatrist: “So, what will it be…heaven or hell” [Laughs mockingly]
[Johnny just continues to stare at the psychiatrist]

[Johnny wakes up panting – photo of him and his girlfriend on side table – time is exactly 4:06am]     -end-

  However, after looking closely at the storyboard and script it has become apparent that the idea of having a brain tumour kick start his mental state isn't explained enough to be relevant in the film. We felt that the story would make more sense if he just declines into insanity, becoming obsessed with equations that be believes he can see in his mind. To en-corporate this new idea in the script, we just made a few changes to the dialogue at the beginning of he film (as shown below):

Psychiatrist: “Now Johnny, focus now please…we’ve been having these meetings for just over a year now and it’s important that we locate some sort of key that will begin your rehabilitation”
 [Psychiatrist leans forward towards Johnny – hands clenched together on knee]
[Johnny looks around the room randomly focusing with full attention on an object before rapidly switching to another – look of fear and without concentration]

Psychiatrist: “In our first meeting you said that you couldn’t stop seeing these numbers and equations… is it still happening with the new medication I prescribed you?” [Pause while he waits] 
Psychiatrist: “Listen to me…we have to work with me on this one or you’ll never get out”
[Psychiatrist begins to looks and sound more impatient as it is evident Johnny isn’t listening]

The script has now been printed off as a hard copy, and emailed to the actors for filming next week so they can become more familiar with their parts. This is a vital step as the more time we give the actors to practise their parts, the better their overall performance should be. 

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