Tuesday 5 March 2013


Below are images of the equipment wanted to use throughout the filming process, and ultimately what we did use:

The snap shot on the left shows a piece of lighting equipment we plan of using for the filming in the studio. We think this we increase a warmth of atmosphere and therefore make the scene feel more realistic.

The snap shot on the right shows the tripods we plan on using throughout the filming process. Unlike the big lighting equipment, the tripods are relatively mobile, which means that they can be of consistent use throughout.

The snap shot on the left shows a piece of studio lighting equipment which we would like to use for the psychiatrist scene. This will hopefully (alongside others) give the room a good base for lighting which we can then expand upon in post-production.

The snap shot on the right shows all the equipment in the positions we intend them to be placed. Note how bare the studio looks without the aid of lighting, which would have been a much bigger problem to tackle in post-production.

The snap shot of the right shows the set we will be filming in with the lights on. Note how in comparison to the image above, the mood of the room has become a lot more atmospheric.

The image on the left shows this concept of a lighting bubble in which we are going to film. It will be important for us to keep the cameras pointing away from this so the audience are led to believe that the lighting is all but natural.

The image on the right shows the studio lighting in effect which the actual cast in place. This was a good way of gaging anything that may need to be re-positioned for the actual shoot.

The reason we chose this lighting was due to the effect that was created - the lights gave a warmer feeling to the set rather than the original lighting invoked a cold atmosphere.   

Friday 1 March 2013

Audience feedback - film posters

By looking at these results, we can see that having a film poster as an ancillary product is important as it can be used as a platform to get people to watch a film. We discovered that actors influence people to go and watch a film. If they see an actor that they are a fan of on the poster, this could be a factor in their decision to whether or not they watch the film.
We made some layout changes as a result of this feedback; we did initially have our title at the top of the poster but we decided to place the actors names at the top instead. Even though they are not well-known actors, if some of their fans were to see the poster, this couldinfluence them into watching the film.
This feedback allowed us to gain insight of what our target audience wanted to see on the film poster and we were able to establish common trends. The feedback we gained from our target audience enabled us to produce a more successful and professional final product.